While I am no poet, I did come across this award I received for posting a poem I wrote on a site years ago. It made me smile, even though I didn't think the poem was that great and they only gave me the award so I would buy their book, which I didn't. The poem was ironically called Destiny, which is what I truly think writing is for me.
I also received a poetry book in my gift basket that I won during the University Christmas party last year. I think I should take a look at it now to get my creative juices flowing. Here's the actual poem...
Divine being ordains it
Life sustains it
Everything happens for a reason
A consequence for every action
Shunning it is impossible
Fate is undeniable
To be a victim of circumstance
is to be an enemy of innovation
Invincible necessity
That’s what destiny is
Now forever etched in
the fixed order of things
Yearning for acceptance